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Yahoo! Messenger 10

Diposting oleh majunetwork | 23.41 | 0 komentar »

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Get Paid to Write Reviews on Your Blog

Diposting oleh majunetwork | 07.26 | 0 komentar »

There are several relatively easy ways to make some money from your blog such as using Google AdSense, selling private ad spots, and writing reviews. The downside with using Google AdSense and trying to sell private ad spots is your blog must have enough traffic to generate the clicks or page impressions. My guess is most of you aren’t getting hundreds of visitors to your blog each day (not yet at least) so you aren’t making much money from those methods of advertising.
So where does that leave us? If you haven’t heard of writing reviews on your blog to generate a decent stream of income then you might want to check it out.

How does writing reviews make me money?

It’s actually easier than you think. The first step is to sign up with a blog review network and submit your blog. Some of these companies have rules in place like the age of your blog (at least 6 months old, etc), where it’s hosted (blogspot, wordpress, etc), and page rank. They try to weed out spam blog sites which are usually not very old or of good quality. Make sure you read the fine print before you spend your time applying only to find out you don’t qualify.
Assuming your blog is approved, you can now browse the review marketplace looking for reviews to write about or another option is to wait for someone to approach you. I recommend you be the aggressor and sift through the marketplace so you can start making money asap.
Once you find a review you’d like to write about and meet the criteria to qualify, just take it and begin. You’ll create your blog post and follow the requirements of the reviewer, then submit it for approval. After it’s approved, you get paid. Pretty easy huh?

What blog review networks do you recommend?

There are several companies out there who pay you to write reviews on your blog but only two of them are worth talking about in my opinion. They are Sponsored Reviews and Pay Per Post.
sponsored reviews logo
Sponsored Reviews is great because they allow you to search for advertisers directly and bid on jobs. Their bidding system allows you to negotiate rates with advertisers in order to maximize your earnings. They also provide the largest payout of all review networks by only taking a 35% commission for their services. That means you can earn anything from $10 to 500+ for each review. Their user interface is one of the better ones out there and the only drawback to their service is the lack of advertisers. I’m sure it will continue to grow it’s advertising base so they are at least worth a look.
One other perk is their affiliate program. Earn up to $175 per Advertiser and $90 Per Blogger referred. Payouts are based on money spent by the advertiser and money earned by the blogger. See the chart below for payouts. Their average advertiser spends several hundred dollars so most referrals will be worth at least $25 (according to their website).
sponsored reviews payout chart
You’ll then want to put one of their ads on your site or a text link to start taking advantage of their referral bonuses. Can’t hurt to get an ad on your blog right? Get started with Sponsored Reviews now.

payperpost logo
Next up we have PayPerPost which is another great pay for review site. They offer the largest sponsored blogging network with the greatest amount of offers along with a forum where bloggers can post questions, etc. They also pay you a $20 bonus after you complete your first review post. The review post is easy…you just need to write about PayPerPost and they give you $20. Pretty quick way to make a quick $20.
One bad thing I noticed while browsing their marketplace is the restrictions on a few of the reviews. For example, you couldn’t write a review and post it on,, or and you must be located in North America, Asia, or Europe only. That doesn’t mean if you have a blogger blog or wordpress blog using your own domain or hosted on your own site you can’t write a review. All I’m saying is make sure you read the review details carefully so you don’t waste your time writing a post only to discover you won’t get credit for it.
They also have a scoring system which might be a barrier to you on some post reviews. It’s usually the higher payouts that are looking for nice reviews from established high ranking sites. They utilize Google Page Rank and Amazon’s Alexa rankings to factor in what your site’s “score” will be.
PayPerPost also offers a referral affiliate program with some pretty nice payouts as well. You will get paid $15 for each referral once the referees first blog posting is reviewed, approved and then finally accepted 30 days later. This means they need to go all the way through the process in order for it to be a legit referral. Again, not a bad payout for just putting a banner or link on your blog. It’s cool because you can see which referrals you currently have signed up and the total amount you potentially could earn (assuming they convert all the way mentioned above).


If I were you, I’d sign up for both Sponsored Reviews and PayPerPost and see which one works best for you. There is no rule preventing you from having two accounts and writing reviews from both sites and you can promote whichever you choose. That’s what I did and it also gives you a bigger selection of available reviews to write. After you sign up, make sure you get some affiliate banners on your blog so you have another avenue to make money. Just imagine if you write a dozen or so reviews a month and get a couple referrals. You could easily earn a few hundred extra bucks a month for some pretty minimal work!
I wish these sort of sites were available when I was in college because I had tons of free time and needed to make money. I could have easily earned $500+ a month writing a couple reviews a day!
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READ MORE - Get Paid to Write Reviews on Your Blog

50 Excellent Blog Footers

Diposting oleh majunetwork | 07.22 | 0 komentar »

Footers are becoming an essential part of a blog design and rightfully so. Up until the last year or two, they have been a useless space which hardly anyone paid attention to. Now they are becoming an essential strategy to engage visitors in all sorts of creative ways. has put together a nice list of 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs which will give you some great ideas on how to style your existing footer. I personally enjoy scrolling down to the bottom of sites I visit just to see the type of footer they use. The current eBlog Templates footer layout was influenced from several different sites with a goal of providing our visitors quick popular information across all pages and a chance to see your own myBlogLog picture on our site!
If you want to read a good footer breakdown post on what they are good for, check out Smashing Magazine’s post.
My favorite ones include a clever design with 3-4 columns of functional information like these for example.
John Cow
Did you also know footers are a great place for SEO link building? You’ll find credits or other text links pointing back to sites with keyword phrases in the link anchor. That helps you rank higher in Google.
So what kind of blog footers do you like? Include some links so we can all check them out!
Ready to super charge your blog? Check out our professional premium WordPress themes!
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READ MORE - 50 Excellent Blog Footers

Having a top rank in Google is the holy grail for anyone who has a website. Organic Google traffic is free advertising and how most bloggers (especially those just starting out) achieve visitors and traffic to their site. It all comes down to a simple numbers game. Essentially, more traffic = more money-making opportunities from your blog. The question is, how do you get ranked higher for my blog posts using Blogger?
Before I tell you how, let me give you a quick lesson is search engine optimization (aka SEO). There are two main components: “off-page” and “on-page” optimization. “Off-page” SEO refers to tactics such as link building. The more websites that point their links to your blog/website, the better. It’s a democratic way of showing Google that your site must be important if lots of people are pointing to it. Even more important with “off-page” inbound links is the actual link text (anchor text) that is used to point to your site.
Here’s my proof. If you search Google for the term “click here” you’ll see that Adobe Reader and Apple’s Quicktime software are in the top 3 results. Why? Because so many other sites are linking to these two sites with “click here” as the anchor text to download their software. That’s the power of “off-page” SEO which you as a blogger can’t do much about besides writing such great unique content that generates lots of links.
So with “on-page” SEO you have complete control over how well you’re optimized for Google. This includes keywords in your post titles, title tags, using header tags (h1, h2) and other tactics. Now the one we’re going to focus on in this article is the blog title tag.
Title tags are one of the most (if not the most) important “on-page” elements to ranking high in Google. Search engines such as Google weigh the importance of each word in the title from left to right. So ideally you want your blog post title all the way to the left and your actual blog name to the right. Below is a perfect example of how this should look. You can also check out our Premium Revolution Template which is currently using this technique as well.
blogger seo title
Blogger templates by default don’t come with search engine optimized (SEO) title tags meaning you aren’t maximizing your blog to rank better in Google. If you take a look at your existing Blogger title you’ll see that blogger displays the blog name first then followed by your post title. They have it backwards so let’s get your blog setup properly.
We’re going to have to make a quick edit to your Blogger template which might intimidate some of you but it’s very small and painless. All I ask you to do first is to backup your template just in case you make a boo boo. That makes it easy to revert back without much headache.

Step #1

In your Blogger dashboard, go to “Layout” => “Edit HTML”.

Step #2

In the template code, do a search for this: <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>. It’s usually in the first 5-10 lines of code in your template near the top.

Step #3

Replace that bit of code with the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

Step #4

Save your template and go back to your blog. Click into any individual post and look at the page title.
All your blogger posts are now much better optimized to rank higher in Google. I’m not going to promise you a night and day difference but you’ve taken a step in the right direction. Now just go post unique high quality content so people searching Google will find your blog first!
Ready to super charge your blog? Check out our professional premium blogger templates or make money by joining our blog affiliate program!
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READ MORE - Improve Your Google Rankings in One Easy Step

E- Learning?

Diposting oleh majunetwork | 01.08 | 0 komentar »

“E-Learning is the next major killer application.” Demikian prediksi yang dikemukakan oleh John Chambers, CEO Cisco Systems, 7 tahun silam. Prediksi itu tak jauh meleset. Seiring perkembangan Internet, penggunaan system e-learning pun tumbuh luar biasa. Internet telah digunakan sebagai tool untuk melakukan pembelajaran. Pakar e-learning dunia Marc J. Rosenberg mendefinisikan e-learning sebagai penggunaan teknologi Internet untuk menyampaikan berbagai macam solusi guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kinerja. Jadi, e-learning mengacu pada kegiatan pembelajaran atau transfer informasi dan skill dengan menggunakan media Internet.
Menurut Allan J. Henderson, e-learning adalah pembelajaran jarak jauh yang menggunakan teknologi computer, atau biasanya Internet (The e-learning Question and Answer Book, 2003. Henderson menambahkan juga bahwa e-learning memungkinkan pembelajar untuk belajar melalui computer di tempat mereka masing- masing tanpa harus secara fisik pergi mengikuti pelajaran kelas.
William Horton menjelaskan bahwa e-learning merupakan pembelajaran berbasis web(yang bisa diakses internet). Dengan kata lain merupakan pembelajaran jarak jauh. E-learning memungkinkan pembelajar menimba ilmu tanpa harus secara fisik menghadiri kelas.
Pembelajar bisa saja berada di Jakarta, sementara “instruktur” dan pelajaran yang diikuti berada di kota lain bahkan di negeri lain. Namun, interaksi masih bisa dijalankan secara langsung ataupun dengan jeda waktu beberapa saat. Jadi, pembelajar bisa belajar dari computer di kantor atau di rumah dengan koneksi internet, sedangkan materi belajar dikelola di Amerika Serikat, Jepang, maupun Inggris. Dengan cara ini, pembelajar bisa mengatur sendiri waktu belajar, dan tempat ia mengakses ilmu yang dipelajari.
Menurut Roy Sembel, Direktur MM Finance and Investment Universitas Bina Nusantara dalam rubric Manajemen diri harian Suara Pembaharuan tanggal 14 Mei 2003, E-learning adalah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media elektronik. E-learning, seperti juga namanya “Electronic Learning” disampaikan dengan menggunakan media elektonik yang terhubung dengan internet.
E-learning dalam arti luas bisa mencakup pembelajaran yang dilakukan di media elektronik (internet) baik secara formal maupun informal. E-learning secara formal, biasanya adalah pembelajaran dengan kurikulum, silabus, mata pelajaran dan tes yang diatur dan disusun berdasarkan jadwal yang telah disepakati pihak-pihak terkait. Secara informal bisa melalui mailing list, e-newsletter atau website pribadi, organisasi dan perusahaan yang ingin mensosialisasikan jasa, program, pengetahuan atau keterampilan tertentu pada masyarakat luas (biasanya tanpa memungut biaya).

Pembelajaran ditunjang oleh para ahli yang disusun dalam sebuah tim yakni : Subject Matter Expert (SME), Instructions Designer (ID), Graphic Designer (GD) dan para ahli di bidang Learning Management System (LMS).
SME berfungsi sebagai nara sumber materi yang disampaikan. ID sebagai desainer materi SME menjadi materi e-learning dengan memasukkan unsur metode pengajaran agar materi menjadi lebih interaktif, lebih mudah dan lebih menarik untuk dipelajari. GD mengubah materi teks menjadi bentuk grafis yang enak dipandang, efektif dan mudah untuk dipelajari. Para ahli di bidang LMS mengelola system di website yang mengatur lalu lintas interaksi antar instruktur dan dengan siswa, antarsiswa dengan siswa lainnya. Di sini pembelajar bisa melihat modul-modul yang ditawarkan, bisa mengambil tugas-tugas dan soal-soal yang harus dikerjakan seta melihat jadwal diskusi dengan instruktur secara maya. Pada dasarnya e-learning diciptakan sebagai media self learning.

Apa manfaat e-learning bagi Anda?

Ada tiga hal yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari e-learning ini :
1. Fleksibilitas.
Dapat diakses dari mana saja yang memiliki akses internet. Berbagai tempat juga sudah menyediakan sambungan internet gratis (café, bandara), dengan demikian dalam perjalanan pun, kita bisa memanfaatkan waktu untuk mengakses e-learning.
2. “Independent Learning.”
Pembelajar diberi kebebasan untuk menentukan kapan pembelajaran dimulai, selesai, dan bagian mana dalam modul yang ingin dipelajari terlebih dahulu.
3. Biaya.
E-learning sudah jelas dapat menghemat jumlah biaya yang dibutuhkan dari pada dengan pembelajaran secara langsung di kelas. Berbagai factor misalnya; biaya transportasi dan akomodasi selama belajar (kos misalnya), biaya administrasi pengelolaan, penyediaan sarana fasilitas fisik untuk belajar.

Bagaimana memanfaatkan e-learning secara optimal?
E-learning bisa memberikan manfaat yang optimal jika beberapa kondisi berikut terpenuhi.
1. Tujuan
Sebelum memutuskan untuk mengikuti e-learning, Anda perlu menentukan tujuan belajar Anda, sehingga Anda bisa memilih topik, modul, lama belajar, biaya dan sarana belajar secara elektronik yang sesuai.

2. Pembelajaran
Cara belajar dengan e-learning memberikan peluang untuk menjadi pembelajar independen. Jadi, untuk memdapatkan manfaat optimal dari e-learning, Anda juga harus senang belajar secara independen.
3. Dukungan
E-learning akan lebih mudah jika mendapat dukungan dari orang-orang terkait.
READ MORE - E- Learning?

Hello World...

Diposting oleh majunetwork | 03.06 | 0 komentar »

Hi reader....

Thanks for your visit to my blog..this is my new blog that i will use this for all my bussiness..

without exception my own write....

Thanks for your visit...
READ MORE - Hello World...